These articles are the initiative of the Ballito Family Church's Evangelism team and is written by Louis Nel.

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What a Miracle!

16 May, 2024

Acts 3:1-10

Do miracles still happen? If so, what is their purpose?

I've often wondered about the Muslims' regular prayer times every day. Devout Muslims carry their prayer mats when they travel and will, wherever they are at the appointed time, unroll the mats in the direction of Mecca and pray. We found a similar tradition among the Jews: there were at least two public offerings brought to the temple every day, one in the morning and another around three o'clock. This was followed by a time of public prayer. Moreover, the colonnades around the temple grounds were also used by rabbis to instruct their disciples. Because there was always something going on at the temple, it was the ideal place for a beggar to sit for alms.

It was precisely such a beggar that Peter and John found at the temple gate. His whole life he had been paralyzed and thus dependent on alms for his livelihood. He was so dependent on other people that he couldn't even get there himself. Someone had to carry him there.

However, that day he got much more than he could ever dream of! When Peter stuck with him, the man was full of anticipation because someone was going to give him a coin. But instead of money, Peter gave him health in the Name of Jesus. And a brand new life! At first, he was half disappointed when Peter explained to him that he didn't have silver or gold. But then Peter took him by the hand and suddenly there was life in his withered limbs. Overwhelmed with joy, he walked with Peter and John into the temple. No, no, he didn't walk - he danced into the temple! And that while he was bouncing around with joy like a little boy! And all the while, he praised and thanked God for this incredible miracle that had happened to him. "Look, I'm walking! I CAN WALK!!!!!! Hallelujah! Praise God!" he sang, dancing through the temple.

The world's eyes are on him. Everyone knows him because for many years he was draped in front of the temple every day. To suddenly see him prancing around like this grabs everyone in the temple. "But isn't that old ………? Noooo, it can't be! But indeed! It's him! What happened? It's a miracle!" The story spreads like wildfire through Jerusalem and by evening the whole city knows of this incident!

The Gospel offers so much more than just temporary benefits like gold and silver. It offers a brand new perspective on God. It also offers a new perspective on God's will for you. And hope, joy and restoration.

Yet it's so unfortunate that the church often gets trapped in worldly values. When this happens, this message of hope quickly becomes like weak tea, tasteless and undrinkable!

The story is told of the well-known Thomas Aquinas who one day paid a visit to Pope Innocent II. There he found the pope, busy counting a large sum of money. "Brother Thomas," said the pope, "it's so fortunate that the church doesn't have to say today: 'Silver and gold we have none.'"

"Yes," sighed Thomas, "and unfortunately, precisely because of that, we can no longer say: 'Rise up and walk'!"

Many people think that miracles ceased the day Jesus was crucified. That's far from the truth. Jesus himself told His disciples that they would do even greater miracles than He had done. Indeed, we read that numerous miracles took place, but only a few are recorded. It's not about the miracles but precisely about their effect on people's lives. In this case, the miraculous healing of the paralyzed man touched many people, and I'm sure that a multitude of people came to faith in Jesus as a result of his healing.

The question is, are there still miracles today? Absolutely! I've witnessed and experienced numerous miracles myself.

A few years ago, our business went under and we lost everything, including our house. Suddenly we had nowhere to stay and we couldn't afford to rent a house. Without me asking, Willem and Linda invited us to stay for free in their little apartment. A year later, Danie and Adele asked us to look after their house while they were overseas. We didn't have to pay anything! We stayed there for two years. Twice in a row - isn't that a miracle? But wait, there's more! When the house was sold, provision was made for us once again and Ockie and Gill gave us a beautiful cottage to stay in on their farm outside Ballito. It simply doesn't happen that someone is provided with housing three times in a row! If that's not a miracle, then I'll eat my hat!

However, the greatest miracle of all for me is that a lost sinner can be rescued by God from the stinking mud pool of sin, completely made new and made from sinner to a child of God!


Lord, I praise and thank You for the numerous miracles You have already brought into my life, and especially that You saved me without me deserving it!